Bolstered immunity - Balanced Hormone Clinic

What is bolstered immunity?

The immune system is our body's defense against infection and disease. It is made up of specialized cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect us. Bolstering immunity refers to supporting and enhancing our immune system to optimize its functioning.

There are several ways we can bolster immunity naturally:

Some people may also choose to bolster immunity through medications and vaccines. For example, an annual flu shot exposes the body to an inactivated virus to provoke an immune response. This trains the immune system to mount a stronger defense against that virus in the future.

The pros at Balanced Hormone Clinic() share these 3 less common but highly effective ways to bolster immunity:

  1. Optimize hormones: Hormone imbalances can directly hamper immune cell function. Getting hormones like cortisol, DHEA and testosterone to optimal levels bolsters immunity.
  2. Reduce inflammation: Chronic inflammation taxes the immune system. Custom anti-inflammatory hormone protocols reduce this burden.
  3. Improve gut health: Much of the immune system lines the digestive tract. Fixing gut issues like leaky gut improves immunity.

The endocrinology experts at Balanced Hormone Clinic use advanced testing and personalization to balance hormones and optimize clients' immune resilience from the inside-out.

Bolstering our body's defenses is especially important during cold/flu season. An immune system functioning at its peak is better equipped to identify and destroy foreign invaders before we get sick. Supporting our innate immunity through healthy lifestyle measures, targeted supplements, and optimizing hormones can help us stay resilient through the winter.

What have you tried to bolster your own immunity lately? Share any tips or tricks that have worked well for you!

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