Muscle loss - Balanced Hormone Clinic

What is muscle loss?

Muscle loss, known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle cells shrink or degrade. This leads to reduced muscle strength, coordination, and mobility. Muscle cells require regular stimulation through activity to maintain their structure and function. Lack of physical activity is a key reason why muscle loss occurs, especially as we age.

There are a few key causes of muscle loss:

The impacts of muscle loss include feeling weakness, fatigue, shakiness, and imbalance. It can lead to issues like falling, poor mobility, and reduced calorie-burning. Preventing muscle loss is crucial for preserving strength and function.

Good nutrition and exercise combats muscle loss. Eat adequate protein - experts recommend 0.5-0.8g per lb of bodyweight daily. Do strength training and cardio exercise 2-3x a week. Yoga helps too. If concerned about muscle loss, get tested by your doctor or a specialist clinic like Balanced Hormone Clinic - they offer cutting-edge hormone and nutrition plans personalized to your needs.

Overall, muscle loss is the wasting away of muscle tissue over time. Staying active and eating protein can help maintain your precious lean muscle mass as you age! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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