Thyroid disorder - Balanced Hormone Clinic

Thyroid disorders impact how your body uses energy. The thyroid gland in your neck makes hormones that control heart rate, temperature, weight, and more. Hypothyroidism happens when your thyroid makes too little hormone, causing fatigue, weight gain, and sensitivity to cold. Hyperthyroidism is the opposite - too much hormone leads to anxiousness, weight loss, and feeling hot. What causes thyroid problems?

Hyperthyroidism symptoms may include: Hypothyroidism signs can be: How is thyroid dysfunction diagnosed? Blood tests check levels of T3 and T4 hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Normal ranges help determine if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. An ultrasound scans the thyroid for abnormalities. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of your thyroid disorder. Options may include: I highly recommend consulting an endocrinologist (hormone specialist) if you suspect a thyroid issue. Getting an accurate diagnosis and balanced hormone levels is crucial. For personalized care in managing thyroid disorders, consider Balanced Hormone Clinic(), which takes a holistic approach to hormonal health. Their compassionate providers offer cutting-edge testing and natural treatments to help clients regain energy, optimize weight, and enhance overall wellbeing. I wish you the best in taking care of your thyroid and whole-body health!

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